Veg schezwan Hakka Noodles/ Chicken Schezwan noodles

Schezwan noodles or schezwan Hakka noodles is a delicious indo Chinese recipe which is easy to make , if you have schezwan chutney/sauce then preparing stir fried noodles isn’t a big task . Whenever I want to have tasty food which can be instantly prepared , the first recipe that comes to my mind is schezwan Hakka noodles, I simply love it, as its fast to cook and easy to make. Here is my schezwan Hakka noodles recipe....

1 pack  Hakka noodles
1 cup Cabbage ( optional )
1 cup capsicum chopped into long strips
1 cup carrot chopped into long strips  
2 -3 Spring onions chopped into halves
2 tbsp soya sauce
1-2 tbsp tomato sauce 
½ tsp  freshly crushed black Pepper
3-4 tbsp Schezwan Chutney    
Salt as per taste 

For garnishing:
2 -3 spring onions green chopped

  • Boil desired amount of water with salt  , add Hakka noodles and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Drain the water completely and pour cold water on the noodles, immediately drain and then toss 2 tsp oil on the noodles so that it prevents the noodles from sticking to each other.
  • Heat oil, add chopped spring onions and sauté for a while. Add cabbage, carrots  and saute for 2 3 seconds on high flame and then add capsicum.
  • Add schezwan chutney , soya sauce, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. 
  • Toss the noodles on low flame until it is well coated , adjust sauces if needed and garnish it with spring onions green. ( Recipe by Zulekha Arafat )

  • Do not over cook the noodles when boiling it.
  • If you want schezwan noodles to look more colourful, you can add yellow, green and red capsicum.
  • For non veg, steps  would be the same just that add boiled shredded chicken with vegetables.
  • Always make sure you add soya , Schezwan and other sauces as per your taste as the above mentioned ingredients are as per my taste.

PREPARATION TIME : 20 Minutes.         
                                                               SERVES : 2 Persons.


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