Recipe of smokey cheesy chicken balls

Smoky cheesy chicken balls are fantabulously fantastic appetizer , where as its taste is concern,  these cheesy balls are spiced and tossed with ingredients and then done coal baghar. Its an addition to my creativity...

I thought lets make something very yummy, interesting, delicious, lip smacking snack. A much more lighter though as its being cooked in appe patra ( pan ) where very less oil is consumed . All the cheese lovers gonna  love  it , as its easy to make..

In fact I make it a point that most of my recipes are simple , easy and without much a do, as no body has that much time in today's world, where the rate of working woman is increasing....Here is my delicious Recipe of Smoky Cheesy Chicken Balls .....


250 gms chicken mince ( chicken keema)
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
7 - 8 tbsp cheese grated
1/2 tsp black pepper
4- 5 green chillies 
salt as per taste
3 tbsp butter


1. Wash and squeeze the excess water from chicken mince and add salt, red chilli powder, ginger garlic paste and black pepper.

2.Crush the green chillies and add it to chicken keema along with with 2tbsp butter, mix everything well and marinate it for 3- 4 hours.

3. Now burn the coal ( charcoal ) on gas until it turns red, smoke the chicken by placing a piece of burning coal in the middle of the chicken meat ( make some space in the middle of the keema  so that coal can be placed properly )  and add 1 tbsp butter.

4. Immediately cover the pan and let the fumes die out ( let it be covered ). After an hour discard the coal and start making small balls of keema and flatten it to form into patty,

5. Now add grated cheese in the middle of the keema and try to fold it into a ball shape.

6. Repeat the same procedure until you have made all the chicken. Now heat the appe patra and grease with oil, place the cheesy smokey chicken balls on each slot.

7. Sprinkle little water, Cover and cook until the chicken is completely cooked but dont forget to flip the balls upside down at intervals.
( Or you can even bake in pre heat oven at 180 degrees by placing them on greased parchment sheet try or else you can even deep fry them if you do not have appe pan, just dip the balls in egg wash and roll in bread crumbs , fry in hot hot on medium flame until done . Drain on an absorbant paper and fry in batches , serve hot with any kind of chutneys or dips )

8. Serve hot with sauces, dips or mint corinader chutney . ( Recipe by Zulekha Arafat )


  • You can do coal bagar in the other way as well , that is  placing  a small piece of foil/ foil tin / or small bowl  in between the mince ( making space in the middle of the keema) and then placing the burning coal on it, pouring butter at the the same time, rest the procedure is same as since over the years I have been use to with this direct way of coal bagar, but you can try this, in fact when I started cooking initially I use to do coal bagar in small bowl but over the time how it changed into direct bagar I also don't know....
  • VARIATION - CHICKEN MINCE/ MEAT BALLS:  Make chicken balls, the procedure is same, just skip the addition of cheese. 

PREPARATION TIME : ( 30 - 40 Minutes ( + extra marination time )
SERVE: 3  Persons.

Feel free to comment and if you like my recipes please do share it with your family and friends... 


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