Mango Mousse in chocolate cups

Click here Mango Mousse in Chocolate cups is not only eye pleasing but delicious in taste too. I usually make Mango with cream ( click here for recipe ) or Mango Firni ( Click here for recipe ) but this time I wanted to make something very different with superb taste , so what better one can think other than adding chocolate to mango , isin't it sounding great ....! Yes it did to me and then I tried this recipe , not only my kids loved it me and my husband we too enjoyed it a lot .

As I am a die heart lover of chocolate , many of my desserts have chocolate as an important Ingredients , if you are also a chocolate lover like me then I am sure you will definately love it. Here is my recipe of Mango Mousse In chocolate Cups.


  • 200 gms Bitter sweet chocolate ( I have used 2 bournville dark chocolate ) 
  • 2 Ripe Mangoes 
  • 2-3 tbsp icing sugar 
  • 5-6 cup cake liner ( silicon or paper )
  • 2 tbsp gelatin ( unflavored ) 
  • 3 -4 tbsp heavy cream ( i used topolite ) 
  • 1 ripe mango for garnishing 
  • chocolate chips fro garnishing 
  • sprinkles 1 tsp 


  1. Microwave the chocolate in a safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds or until the chocolate melts completely or boil some water in a deep pan and keep a steel strainer on it , now place a small steel bowl and place the chocolate chunks into the bowl , within few seconds the chocolate will start melting , continue until the chocolate melts completely .
  2. Place each cup cake liner in cupcake mould and add 1 tbsp or more melted chocolate in each linear .
  3. with the help of silicon brush , coat all the sides and base and refrigerate the liners with the mould for about an hour. 
  4. Now coat each cup again with melted chocolate , this time make sure you brush up to the wall of liners and refrigerate again with the mould for an hour.
  5. Now again coat the base and side walls of each liner and refrigerate it so that you get a perfect thick coating of chocolate or else the sides will start falling off.


  • By the time the liners are refrigerated , prepare the mango mousse .
  • Peel the skin of both the ripe mangoes , chop into pieces , add 2 -3 tbsp icing sugar and make a smooth paste with the help of food processor . Strain the puree and keep aside , preferably in refrigerator for some time .
  • In a bowl add heavy cream and whisk it until the cream reaches it peak say about 4-5 minutes . ( make sure you keep the cream for about half n hour with the whipping attachment in refrigerator ) 
  • Now heat 5 tbsp water and then sprinkle gelatin to it , let it rest for 5 minutes until it comes to room temperature.
  • Mix this gelatin to the mango puree continusly with the help of spoon.
  • Now mix the mango puree with the whipped cream using a spetula. ( make sure you do not over mix it ) 
  • Keep the mousse to be chilled into refrigerate for sometime or until you get the chocolate cupcake liners ready.  ( Recipe by Zulekha Arafat )


  • Fill the mango mousse in a piping bag and keep aside.
  • Now carefully peel each liner from the chocolate cups. 
  • Add chopped mango to the choclate cups and then pipe each liner with mango mousse.
  • Garnish with some chocolate chips and sprinkles , refrigerate for half an hour and serve . 


  • I have used tropolite cream which added sugar in it , but if you are using amul whipping cream then you need to add 2 -3 tbsp icing sugar separately at the time whisking the cream.
  • You can use bitter sweet any cooking chocolate .
  • For recipe of mango with cream ( click here  ).
  • For Mango Firni Recipe ( click here ).
  • Increase or decrease the amount of icing sugar as the mango's sweetness .

SERVES : 6 Persons .


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