Mango Mousse in chocolate cups

Click here Mango Mousse in Chocolate cups is not only eye pleasing but delicious in taste too. I usually make Mango with cream ( click here for recipe ) or Mango Firni ( Click here for recipe ) but this time I wanted to make something very different with superb taste , so what better one can think other than adding chocolate to mango , isin't it sounding great ....! Yes it did to me and then I tried this recipe , not only my kids loved it me and my husband we too enjoyed it a lot . As I am a die heart lover of chocolate , many of my desserts have chocolate as an important Ingredients , if you are also a chocolate lover like me then I am sure you will definately love it. Here is my recipe of Mango Mousse In chocolate Cups. INGREDIENTS : 200 gms Bitter sweet chocolate ( I have used 2 bournville dark chocolate ) 2 Ripe Mangoes 2-3 tbsp icing sugar 5-6 cup cake liner ( silicon or paper ) 2 tbsp gelati...